Thursday, April 9, 2009

Check me out!

Hey Hey Hey, I am finally here. My name is Annalise Rose and mommy pushed me out at 2:46pm. I am 8 lbs 2 oz and 21 inches long. And while you can already tell, I am the cutest! Check back later for more glamour shots.

Anna ~

Friday, April 3, 2009

39 Weeks

No news is not good news. She's still in there. My belly that is. And I want her out! There are no signs of impending labor either. I have another doc appt next Thursday but I hope I don't make it.

Friday, March 27, 2009

38 weeks

Today is the first day someone guessed for me to have the baby in the baby pool. Maybe that means something. Today works for me. Josh says he's too busy with work today. Oh well. Doctor appointment was uneventful and I was told again by his nurse that he doesn't do inductions. So I guess that is out. Hopefully only one more appointment. It is next Thursday.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

37 weeks

Still growing. Doc says everything looks good. I go back next Thursday barring going into labor of course.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

36 week update

I had a doctor's appointment today and everything seems fine. I lost another pound which I just don't understand. I ate an entire box of 25 Dunkin Donuts munchkins on Saturday! I know it is common to lose weight in the last month but I didn't think I would this time around. So now we are onto 1 week appointments. I hope to only have to go to one or two more.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

6 weeks to go!

We are 34 weeks today. I had a doctor's appointment today and I lost 2 pounds since my last appointment. I just don't know how that's possible. My belly is huge, maybe my butt is shrinking. I can't really get a good look at it. A good friend took me for a pedicure Monday night and it was wonderful. I hope to get one more before the baby comes.
Our house hunt came to a screaching halt this week as we ran into a problem with the sellers not wanting to fix the roof. So that deal fell through. The baby will be brought home to this house and I think that'll make everything a little bit smoother.
So that's all the news for now. Next appointment is March 12th.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Here's a belly pic

So there it is. 32 weeks. Kind of scary what 8 more weeks could do to it.

Monday, February 9, 2009

31 weeks

So here we are at 31 weeks. So far this pregnancy has been mostly uneventful. I have had some issues gaining weight, rather the lack of. I am up only 6 pounds so far. I'm thinking it will pack on at the end. We had a normal ultrasound at 22 weeks and found out the gender even though we swore we would wait until the baby was born this time. That was not my idea and I guess I was never fully on board. Oops. So we have 9 weeks to go. I am fighting off the urge to get out the 0-3 month clothes, get the carseat all buckled in, pack the baby's bag for the hospital. We are hoping to move into our new house about 4 weeks before the due date so I know it would really not be practical to start getting stuff ready yet. We are now on 2 week appointments and the next one will be 2/12.

A late start

Both Lilly and Ella have had their own baby web pages and although I am almost done with this pregnancy, I felt I should not leave this baby out. So for those that didn't know, we are expecting baby number three sometime in the beginning of April. We took a long time deciding to have this baby and got pregnant on the first try. Apparently I am ultra-fertile. The original due date was April 12th (Easter) but an ultrasound at 20 weeks dated it 3 days earlier. So I stuck with the 9th even though the doc wouldn't change the date officially. I feel that this one will be showing up early anyway. We will be delivering at St. Anthony Memorial Hospital in Michigan City, IN.
The gender is still not being publicly released since some of our dearest friends are being purposely left in the dark just for the fun of it. :-) So if you already know for some reason or another...shhh...don't tell. And don't ask the big sisters, they are blabber mouths.