Friday, March 27, 2009

38 weeks

Today is the first day someone guessed for me to have the baby in the baby pool. Maybe that means something. Today works for me. Josh says he's too busy with work today. Oh well. Doctor appointment was uneventful and I was told again by his nurse that he doesn't do inductions. So I guess that is out. Hopefully only one more appointment. It is next Thursday.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

37 weeks

Still growing. Doc says everything looks good. I go back next Thursday barring going into labor of course.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

36 week update

I had a doctor's appointment today and everything seems fine. I lost another pound which I just don't understand. I ate an entire box of 25 Dunkin Donuts munchkins on Saturday! I know it is common to lose weight in the last month but I didn't think I would this time around. So now we are onto 1 week appointments. I hope to only have to go to one or two more.